The Durkins

A big card, emus and well… another ridiculous sunset!


Story time. The first photo is Sam. Sam says hi because he’s a really nice guy! But why is he standing in this living room with a giant card with the brides name on it? Well, about a week before the wedding I got a phone call from Hayley, the mother of the bride, saying that they were going to hire a videographer for Rhi & Tom as a surprise gift. She wanted to check that this was all good and to put me in touch with him.

Working with @sambattinfilms was an absolute pleasure. He is extremely professional, with a clear vision for his work and it has been great continuing to work with him even now. And I guess you could say this guy is a real GIFT (FYI people are not objects but I couldn’t resist the pun).

The first photos you will see below show everyone’s reaction to the surprise. Lots and lots of smiles and joy. The setting for this day was in the stunning Blue Mountains and Lithgow area which made for a unique, gorgeous and all round adventurous day.

Tucked away behind Secret Creek Cafe was a quiet and secluded ceremony spot which was absolutely stunning (once you shimmied past the emu and other various wildlife to get onto the track!) Rhi’s little boy was part of the celebration and ceremony, with Tom asking if he could become his dad. Talk about quick-flowing tears, this was such a special moment. Though the ceremony was hilariously interrupted by the aforementioned emu and his emu friend (who knows, maybe they’d set a date too), the day continued with hugs and family and friend photos and constant smiles from everyone involved.

After the bridal party photos and lots of fun and banter, we bundled Rhi and Tom into the back of our car with Sam and headed for a secluded lookout just in time for sunset. Now many photographers will tell you this: cloudy all day until sunset. We made it up to the top of Hassan’s Wall in Lithgow just in time for the epic light show. But what made it a truly special is this. While making our way up the dirt road, Rhi and Tom were talking with each other about how they both used the analogy of being each other’s warm cup of tea. They told us about the first time Tom was feeling unwell while they were dating, and Rhiannon brought him a care package to make him feel better, making him a warm cup of tea. So it was an unplanned surprise to each other when they both promised, in their vows, to be the other persons’ warm cup of tea when they need it. So that was yet another ear-to-ear-smile inducing moment.



